
What is DeSui Coin Flip?

DeSuiFlip is a smart contract game built on SUI network where players can double their $SUI tokens by correctly guessing heads or tails in a 50-50 coin flip toss.

How do I participate in Coin Flip?

To participate, you need to hold $SUI or BUCK tokens. Simply choose heads or tails, select your bet amount, accept the prompted wallet transaction and await your result!

What fees are associated with playing Coin Flip?

There is a general fee of 1% on winning bets only, but there are many fee discounts available.

What are the benefits of holding DeSui NFTs?

DeSui NFT holders receive gamified rewards and only pay 0.4% fees. Holders will receive benefits in all future DeSuiLabs games. More info here.

Are the odds fair in DeSuiFlip?

Yes, all DeSuiFlip transactions occur on-chain, ensuring provable fairness. The odds of winning or losing in each coin flip are always 50/50. More info on transparency here..

Will there be a transparent dashboard to track game data?

Yes, a transparent dashboard displaying all site data will be implemented soon. This dashboard will provide visibility into various statistics and metrics related to gameplay.

What are the future plans for DeSui Coin Flip?

We will keep iterating to add new features and raise the maximum bet amount as our treasury grows. Once all features are integrated, DeSuiLabs will focus exclusively on marketing Sui Coin Flip to increase it's user base.

Last updated